Terms & Conditions
The reservation of any of the trips included in this website/catalogue, or tailor-made services designed for each client implies full acceptance of these General Conditions, which are considered automatically incorporated into the contract, without the need for a written transcription thereof. This website/catalog and/or the proposals sent by email indicate the duration, itinerary, prices and supplements, minimum group and services included in the trips. Due to the advance notice with which it has been edited and the reduced space available, the additional information and possible modifications will be communicated to the clients with the itinerary in writing, and which, together with the General Conditions, act as a definitive contract. For the interpretation, application or claim thereof, both the client and the company expressly submit to the courts of Mexico City waiving any other means of dispute.
Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) is not responsible for the cancellation or non-compliance of contracted services due to acts of God or force majeure (natural disasters, conflicts, diseases, etc.). In case of cancellations due to acts of God or force majeure, the amount paid will be considered as a credit to change the program date (with a new quote, paying the difference, if applicable) as long as it is done more than 30 days in advance. to the start date.
Refunds and payments will be made at the exchange rate of the day the operation is carried out, if the deposit was made in a currency other than Mexican pesos. Therefore, the amounts could change according to changes in the exchange rate over time. The amount received by Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) in pesos upon receipt of payment will be taken as a base and that will be the amount to be reimbursed with the respective equivalence in the currency to be paid at the exchange rate of that day. Likewise, the costs generated by transfer and applicable bank commissions for each operation will be deducted from the reimbursement amount, which must also be covered by the client.
The list of activities described in the program and/or program itinerary may change without prior notice depending on the seasonal needs of the project (lack of staff, vacations or holidays, etc).
The conditions of the accommodation in which the client will stay could in some cases be in areas in which the quality standards of accommodation, transportation, safety, hygiene, telecommunications facilities and level of infrastructure are not the same as those of the client. you are used to at home or on a traditional sightseeing trip. Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) cannot assume any responsibility for accidents, theft of personal belongings, injuries or death, so the client fully assumes any of these situations. The client is aware that they may be traveling to destinations that may have political instability, distant medical service or natural disasters. The sighting of some species of flora and fauna does not depend on the company or the guides and cannot be guaranteed. Like any natural event, the sightings and possible interactions depend entirely on situations beyond the reach of people, so the lack of them does not incur a breach by the company and there will be no refunds for the quality or quantity of sightings. and interactions of this type. The client acknowledges that Deep Inside Mexico® subcontracts services from commercial partners, local associations, non-governmental organizations, foundations, individuals or others in different countries or states of the Mexican Republic to receive the client in the program, and execute the itinerary.
Deep Inside Mexico (DIM), as well as the organizers and/or their affiliates, explicitly declare that they act solely as intermediaries between clients and the persons or entities called to provide the services mentioned in our programs and undertakes, therefore, to request the specified services according to the provisions of the same contacts, on behalf of the user. The organizers and/or their affiliates are responsible for compliance with the services mentioned in this program, but decline all responsibility for loss of luggage, theft, illness or accidents and other eventualities that may occur to travelers and their belongings when they are motivated by third parties and beyond the control of the organizers and/or their affiliates.
Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) is free of all responsibility for loss of luggage, theft, illness, accident or death that may occur to travelers. Travelers undertake to have insurance, both medical and traveler, that protects their integrity and health, as well as personal belongings. By accepting these terms and conditions, clients waive any possible claim or requirement to Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) for any damage or harm to their person, property and assets. Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) states that the personal information that it may collect is for the purpose of providing the services or products that it sells. Inform you about changes in the same or new releases and for identification purposes, respecting the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data held by individuals.
This Privacy Notice is made available to natural persons (hereinafter the "USER") who for any reason and/or means provide Jose Javier Solorzano de la Torre (in hereinafter "Deep Inside Mexico (DIM)"), personal information, the foregoing in compliance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its regulations and other applicable provisions (hereinafter the "LAW"), which describes the way in which Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) will use the personal data and the rights that the USER will have. Identity and address of the person in charge who collects them. Jose Javier Solórzano de la Torre, a citizen that owns the trade name of Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) with address at Oklahoma 21 - 701 Col. Nápoleso 03810 Benito Juárez, CDMX, Mexico City, Mexico. Personal data subject to treatment by Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) To carry out the purposes described in this Privacy Notice, Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) may request personal data and sensitive personal data of the USER, which will be subject to the corresponding treatment.
The express consent of the USER for the treatment of Personal Data will be obtained through our website www.dopamina.travel, or by any other electronic, telephone, video, or other technology and in its case, through agents, promoters, commission agents, suppliers or business partners; the foregoing to be able to provide you with the services and/or products offered by Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) and comply with the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice.
Likewise, Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) will classify all the information provided by the USER as strictly confidential, keeping it and committing itself, as far as possible, to adopt all the control and security measures that are required to avoid any alteration, use and improper treatment. , loss and/or to provide access to unauthorized third parties. The USER expressly declares that all the information provided to Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) is legitimate, true and free of bad faith or vices, expressly releasing Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) by this act from any responsibility in relation to the veracity of the information provided by the user. Purpose of data processing. Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) requests personal data from the USER for two types of purposes: i) Primary Purposes, corresponds to the origin of the contractual relationship between the USER and Deep Inside Mexico (DIM), being those that are necessary to carry out and maintain the relationship that will be held with the USER, while ii) Complementary Purposes, are all those that do not meet the primary condition, but allow better services and attention to be provided to users.
Complementary Purposes: Monitoring and improvement of the quality of our Services. Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) grants through this Privacy Notice the right to the USER to express his refusal regarding the use and treatment of his Personal Data, when he considers that the information provided does not fulfill any of the purposes established above, or that It is not necessary for the establishment of the contractual relationship. The USER must inform Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) in case of requesting any limitation related to the use of their Personal Data at the moment in which this Privacy Notice is provided; in the understanding that the acceptance of this Privacy Notice or any procedure to obtain the Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) Services is understood as full acceptance of the use of their Personal Data by the USER. The foregoing, without prejudice to the application of the Right to Revoke Consent previously granted by the USER or to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the use of their Data in terms of the LAW, rights that in any case will be guaranteed by Deep Inside Mexico (DIM)
The USER may, at any time, inform Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) of his determination to revoke the consent previously granted for the processing of personal data in accordance with the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. The foregoing, with the purpose that Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) interrupts the treatment of the same and as long as the consent that is intended to be revoked is not linked to a contractual legal relationship or operation of any kind with Deep Inside Mexico (DIM), in terms of the LAW or express agreement between Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) and the USER. The revocation of consent will not take retroactive effect at any time. The revocation of consent will be made effective through the means and in accordance with the procedure described in this Privacy Notice. Procedure and means of notification of changes in the Privacy Notice. Any change and/or modification, either totally or partially, to this Privacy Notice that is necessary to comply with applicable legal provisions, our privacy practices, or for other reasons, which we will inform you about, will be made known to the USER. by any of the following means:
i) A written communication sent to your address or published within the Deep Inside Mexico (DIM) facilities.
ii) A message sent to your email.
iii) A message released through any electronic means used to carry out operations with Deep Inside Mexico (DIM).
iv) Through the Deep Inside Mexico (DIM)website.
It will be understood that by using the Electronic Media and/or contracting the Services offered by Deep Inside Mexico for the purposes set forth herein, you expressly acknowledge and accept this Privacy Notice, therefore such consent grants Deep Inside Mexico the power to proceed to treat them in the manner indicated in this Privacy Notice.